New arrival – blades, blades and more blades

A little while back I realized I was running a little low on GEM blades. And I could with more Green Astra blades too, and I didn’t have that many injector blades left either. So I went shopping over at Connaught Shaving, since they are the one European supplier I’m familiar with that reliably have gotten me GEM blades in the past. That, and they ship fast to Norway.

The haul from
The Haul

One minor niggle though… the Connaught Shaving website is not the easiest to navigate, nor is it always playing nice with the FireFox browser. So I managed to end up with two boxes of GEM blades in my shopping cart, at which point I shrugged and decided why not – that basically means I won’t have to buy any more until I retire.

The soap in the middle I picked up from their clearance bin. I’ve only tried it once so far, and I’m very much on the fence about it. I’ll probably do a write up on it in a bit.

As for the pack of Supershave blades? They put that in as a freebie – it’s an unknown blade to me, so I’ll be sure to try it out in a well known razor first.

All told a decent haul for a reasonable price, from Great Britain to my door in less than a week.