Shave of the day 11th March

Razor: Yaqi Mini,  red & black
Blade: Lord Classic
Brush: Omega #50014 Travel
Lather: BEA Shavestick
Aftershave: Krampert’s Finest Bay Rum
Additional Care: BullDog Original Beard Oil

Order the paperback of my book at at
Preorder the Kindle edition at

Shave of the day 9th March

Razor: Yaqi Mini,  red & black
Blade: Lord Classic
Brush: Omega #50014 Travel
Lather: BEA Shavestick
Aftershave: Krampert’s Finest Bay Rum

Shave of the day 6th March

Razor: Yaqi Mini,  red & black
Blade: Wilkinson Sword
Brush: Omega #50014 Travel
Lather: BEA Shavestick
Aftershave: Krampert’s Finest Bay Rum
Additional Care: BullDog Original Beard Oil

PS: The Kindle edition of my book 70 razor and shaving patents is available for preorder at