Brushless shaving cream spreader cap for collapsible tubes

A little while ago1 I mentioned Nicholas Testi’s dispensing tube patent. Turns out he wasn’t the first to patent a shaving cream spreader cap. Charles W Brynan beat Testi to the punch, and with a simpler idea too. No roller or other moving parts. Just a simple shaving cream spreader cap to put on your tube of shaving cream.

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Another shocking shave

Shaving. A relaxing daily ritual involving water, soap, sharp blades, and – if Sampson W Moon had gotten his way – a risk of a shocking shave. Hot towels, scented lather, and then a casual electrocution. Sounds wonderful.

We’ve looked at a few electric razors before, both battery powered and ones you would plug into the grid. And one that could double as a wood planer… quite terrific stuff. At least Sampson’s invention is not the most scary of the bunch.

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Eugene G Mergenthaler and his band razors

Eugene G Mergenthaler was the son of an inventor,1 and it was perhaps naturally that he tried his hand on inventing himself. While Eugene died young,2 he never the less had three patents to his name. One patented in 1910, when he was just 25 years old, and two more in patented in 1919.

Common to all three patents is the fact that they are band razors. This is a kind of razor that was dreamt up early and then refused to die. Well, at least until cartridges made their debut. The last band razors I’m aware of were the Schick Auto-Band Razor and the Gillette TechMatic.4

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The Untamable Whiskers

Something a bit on the side of what I usually do, but I found it interesting. And tangentially related to beards and moustaces.

Georges Méliès1 was a French illusionist, actor, and one of the first film directors. He led many technical and narrative developments in the earliest days of cinema. He is, perhaps, best known today for his epic science fiction movies Le Voyage dans la Lune and Le Voyage à travers l’impossible. Those were just two of many, many movies he made, some of which served little purpose other than to amaze and intrigue the audience.

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Shave of the day 4th July 2022

Razor: Schick “Lady Eversharp”

Blade: Schick Injector

Brush: Vie-Long #13051M

Pre-Shave: Proraso Pre Shave Cream

Lather: Pereira Sample – mint/menthol

Aftershave: Barber No3 Marmara

Additional Care: Alum Block

SOTD 2022-07-04
SOTD 2022-07-04

Reminder: the countdown sale of both my books are ongoing – still sitting at 0.99$ each!