Just a reminder that today is the day for the Thanksgiving Giveaway!
Two kindle books for free. Only today – all you need to do is to download them from Amazon.
For links to the books, look no further than this page.
Just a reminder that today is the day for the Thanksgiving Giveaway!
Two kindle books for free. Only today – all you need to do is to download them from Amazon.
For links to the books, look no further than this page.
Thanksgiving is soon upon us – well, upon the people living in the US at least. And for no good reason at all I figured that a Thanksgiving giveaway was just the thing.
Continue readingMemorial day is upon us, and while I’m not in the US I do realise that a lot of my readers are.. and Memorial day is both the start of summer and a log weekend. So to help y’all pass the time in the sun, I’m offering free copies of my second book.
From May 26th and until May 30th you can go to Amazon (US, UK, or wherever) and grab a free Kindle copy of
Remember that book I committed a while ago? I’m in the process of putting a sequel together. Expect it sometime early in 2022.
The biggest trouble will be to come up with a title…
Just a reminder that the Kindle edition of my book will be on sale from Friday the 27th of November at 0000 PST (0800 GMT) and for a full week after that. The price of the paperback have been cut as well.
For the non-americans out there – out here, really, since I’m not an American – the end of November is less about Thanksgiving and more about Black Friday. Or Black Week, even…
Nothing to do with Black Lives Matter – although honestly I feel that ought to be more important – and all to do about getting stuff for less. Stuff like razors, brushes, shaving soaps and books.
Yes, books. The Kindle edition of my book, in particular, will be on sale from Friday the 27th of November at 0000 PST (0800 GMT) and for one (1) week after that.
In order to celebrate a couple of things I’m running a countdown deal on the Kindle version of my book “70 razor and shaving patents“!
This is a very unique and interesting book. I have always enjoyed early 20th century patents. This book is full of them – 200 pages worth – all related to traditional wet shaving.
Review from Amazon
What I appreciate the most is the author’s commentary. He points out the most interesting aspects of the patent in a couple of short paragraphs. This isn’t always obvious from the patent drawing itself, so the author has done the work of reading through the patent and describing the vision and features of the invention.
The book is easy to flip through with interesting pictures and easy-to-digest commentary.
Since this is a count down deal, the sooner you get your copy, the more you save!
From July 4 @ 1200AM PDT / 0700 UTC; 78% off!
From July 4th @ 1200PM PDT / 1900 UTC; 56% off!
From July 5 @ 1200AM PDT / 0700 UTC; 34% off!
From July 5th @ 1200PM PDT / 1900 UTC; 12% off!
Sale ends on July 6th @ 1200AM PDT / 0700 UTC.
Prices for the paperback have also been lowered, although not as much as for the electronic version since I have to take the cost of printing into consideration.
Get it at getbook.at/70Razor_Shavingpatents !
Alternate link: getbook.at/70razor_shavingpatents
Got time to spare while being at home due to the situation in the world today? Or just want a light read in between being busy with work?
70 razor and shaving patents – available both as an paperback and for Kindle1 – is a somewhat serious, somewhat humorous meandering look at the history of shaving, as seen through patents from the last century and a half. Explore a wide range of ideas ranging from electrically heated razors to plug into the light fixtures, magnetic pseudoscience, the ever present vibrating razors, and sensible solutions for razors that were the right idea at the wrong time.
My book explores some of the roads not taken and the blind alleys explored – solutions in search of a problem as well as problems caused by the solutions – by inventors to perfect our daily shave and moment of Zen.
Get it from Amazon; this link should take you to the closest Amazon to your location.
And regardless; try to stay safe in these weird times we’re living through. We will come through the other end, together and freshly shaven.
1) If you have Kindle Unlimited, it is also available to borrow there.
I might have mentioned a few times – I’m excited, after all – that I’ve written a book on razor and shaving related patents… the Kindle edition is dropping on the 15th of March (you can preorder it now) and the paperback is now available too – so if you order it now, you’ll get it as early as the electronic version!
Today is a big day for me; today is the day that the kindle edition of my book 70 razor and shaving patents became available for preorder!
You can preorder it at http://getbook.at/70razor_shavingpatents – feel free to share to link to anyone interested. The official release date is March 15th 2020, and it will also be available in paperback.