CURBO razors and/or advertisers

CUnsinger-Razor-Blade-O… you may think that awkward backronyms is a new thing, but the Unzinger Razor Blade Co came up with the brand name CURBO in 1914. Selling razor-blades, safety razors, parts thereof, and twine cutters, the CURBO razors were less a product for sale and more a vehicle for advertising.1

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The King Oscillator and the Rotary King razors

A few1 years ago I wrote a short post on a 1933 oscillating razor. Further searching online revealed that it was sold under the name King Oscillator. And to my joy, patents for it are available online.

Photo and blurb from Modern Mechanix, March 1933

I have also found the design patent for it, namely US design patent2 75,147. Comparing the photo of the razor – especially the handle – as it appeared in Modern Mechanix and the patent drawings, it is most likely the same razor.

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King Oscillator advertisement

Think that weird and wonderful razors needing special blades were a thing of the early days of safety razors? Would this advertisement for a King Oscillator from 1946 change your mind?

From The Minneapolis Star Tribune, June 16, 1946.

I found this advertisement as I was writing a different and longer blog post about the King Oscillator and the Rotary King razors… so consider this a teaser for next week.

Janos Oscar Plesch’s double double edged blade

Some inventions are solutions in search of problems. The double double edged blade is a prime example, double so in J O Plesch’s itteration of the idea. Not just a double double edged blade, but attempting to be a slant at the same time. And likely prone to blade chatter. However, as the patent explains, his intentions were good:

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