Shave of the day 12th April 2023

Razor: Gillette Old Type “Khaki”

Blade: Astra Green

Brush: Omega #50014 Travel

Lather: BEA Shavestick

Aftershave: Krampert’s Finest Prototype Menthol

Additional Care: Alum Travel Stick, and Oak SOS Beard Oil

SOTD 2023 04 12

Humpday shaves at work can be pretty okay, even if it’s not the same as a long, slow shave at home.

Utility kit

Need a new travel kit? One that keep everything tidy and don’t slide around as you try to shave in an unfamiliar bathroom? Well, look no further than the utility kit patented by John E Borah in ’57.

So now that I told you to look at it, what is it? To quote from the patent:

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Shave of the day 7th April 2023

Razor: Gillette Old Type “Khaki”

Blade: Astra Green

Brush: Omega #50014 Travel

Lather: BEA Shavestick

Aftershave: Krampert’s Finest Prototype Menthol

Additional Care: Oak SOS Beard Oil

SOTD 2023 04 07

Another Friday, another shave from the GoBag. And while the shaves are pretty damn good, I do miss being able to spend five minutes in the morning agonising over what lather to use.

The state of the shave den

Every so often, someone will post a photo of their shave den. Shiny tile, elegantly laid out shaving accoutrements, tasteful decorations… the whole nine yards. Usually the only things missing is a tastefully pastel towel and some antimacassars artfully hung over the back of the toilet.

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Airline Tech

So a while ago I picked up a NOS Gillette from the classifieds, and the knowledgeable gents over on the ‘Nook tentatively identified it as a airplane give-away kit. Which makes sense given the fact that it came with just two blades. For simplicities sake I’ll refer to it as the Airline Tech in this post.

One of the first things to look for on a vintage Gillette is the date code. Or, in the case of this razor, the lack of a date code. Which is okay, since the internet tells me that a lot of British Techs didn’t have them, and this razor is clearly made in England.

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