“70 razor and shaving patents” now available

My book – “70 razor and shaving patents” – is now finally available for both Kindle and paperback!

Order the Kindle edition at http://getbook.at/70razor_shavingpatents 

A somewhat serious, somewhat humourus meandering rump through patents from the last century and a half, the book explores some of the roads not taken and the blind alleys explored – solutions in search of a problem as well as problems caused by the solutions – by inventors to perfect our daily shave and moment of Zen.

To those of you who preordered the Kindle version; thank you, each and every one of you.
For all those in the online wet shaving community who encouraged me to get into the hobby, to stay with it, to learn about the history of traditional wetshaving, and for the welcoming friendship you all have shown; thank you, thank you, thank you – without you this book would never have seen the light of day.

Order the Kindle edition at http://getbook.at/70razor_shavingpatents 

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