The idea was to get my beloved wife a large, dedicated brush that would be a) large and long enough to lather her legs, and b) her own. As it often happens, it snowballed a bit… but not much.
After asking the Ladies and Gents over on the Shave Nook – my favourite wetshaving forum – she fell for a rainbow coloured Yaqi brush.. and since getting stuff from China is cheap, I tossed in a few other things as well.
For starter, I picked up a long handled open comb safety razor for her to try – if she don’t like it I can easily sell it on or PIF it to someone who needs / wants it.
Secondly, I picked up a colourful short handled open comb safety razor for me – I like open comb razors, and something with bright colours can come in handy if a couple of things comes to pass.
Lastly, I added a cheap beard/moustache brush – because I needed something to quality for free shipping, and a beard comb don’t always cut it.