The end of a soap

Or rather, the end of a tub of soap.

Sharp eyed readers might have caught on to the fact that I’ve been using only one soap for the last few shaves. And by last few, I mean every shave from 28th August and until 20th December.

A couple of shaves into it, I asked myself if I could actually finish the tub… it wasn’t a lot left, but as we all know it is fairly easy to pick another soap – thus almost empty tubs tends to stay almost empty forever.

But I managed – if only because I forced myself to only use a single soap for close to four months…

SOTD 2024 08 28 – 2024 12 20

Was it worth it? Well, yor mileage may vary – but it means I only have four soaps that don’t fit in my lather-drawer instead of five. So I guess that is progress?

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