Pereira charcoal soap is a soap I reviewed back in May ’18, and that I found to be a rather nice soap. And now it will be available in the form of a shave stick as well. The soap is the same as in the well known charcoal soap, and very similar to the blend found in Baron’s Choice (although the later does not have activated charcoal added).
I received one of the new shave sticks before they went on sale, and I must admit to enjoying it a lot.

Apart from the change in form factor, the Pereira charcoal soap in stick form works as well as it does in the bowl. This means, in short, that:
- It has a complex but not overpowering scent, that opens up when it’s turned into lather.
- Getting the ratio of water just right can be a little tricky, but when you hit it the soap will give copious amounts of lather.
- The slickness is spot on, better than many well known soaps in my opinion
- The cushion can leave a little to be desired, which is why I won’t pair it with the sharpest blades – but stay away from the Feathers, and you’ll be good.
- Post shave feel is great, leaving me neither dry nor greasy.
The stick have one added benefit over the bowl – in addition to being easier to pack in the GoBag – and that is that you can easily see how much soap you’ve added to your face. It goes on easily, and leaves a black layer of soap just waiting for the brush.

So if you already like the Pereira charcoal soap and would like to bring some with when you travel, or you want to try it without taking up too much shelf space in the shave den, you can do a lot worse than to head over to Pereira Shavery’s website and pick up a shave stick.