Williams’ is an old brand… sometimes vilified in this golden age of wetshaving, but if reports from trustworthy shavers is to be believed the vintage formulations was/is pretty good.

One hundred and twenty two years ago, Williams had already been making shaving soaps for half a century… well, technically for more than half a century, since James B. Williams manufactured the first shaving soap for use in shaving mugs in 1840 – a whooping one hundred and eighty years ago today. It might be fashionable to talk down the modern formulation – I have not tried it yet, although I probably ought to at some point just to see how horrible it really is – but they have to do something right to stay around for that long.
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Pingback: Williams Mug Soap - a review and some opinions - Wegian WetshavingWegian Wetshaving
Pingback: A one hundred and twenty one year old Williams' advertisement - Wegian WetshavingWegian Wetshaving
Pingback: Shave of the day 4th August 2021 - Wegian WetshavingWegian Wetshaving
Pingback: Williams' Political Shaving Soap, 1896 - Wegian WetshavingWegian Wetshaving