Two weeks ago I posted about me experimenting with handle shapes… and despite the last few weeks being busy, I’ve now used up the rest of my prepared blanks. It helps that turning a handle, sanding and finishing it with mineral oil and CA-glue only takes half an hour or so when working from a prepared blank.. and that includes time to sip coffee, thinking about the shapes, touching up the edge of my cutters and petting the friendly neighbourhood cat.
The previously shown handles in the back, new one in front.
A bit of a closeup – click to make ’em bigger, as usual.
Even something as pedestrian as Norwegian spruce construction lumber can give rise to some pretty interesting patterns around knots in the wood.
I also think the symmetry on this one turned out pretty good.
I still need to finish of the bases of these – I need to change the face plates of the chuck so I can mount the handles the other way – as well as a few bits and bobs… but what are your thoughts ladies and gents?