Krampert’s 80 Below is – in my opinion – one of the best aftershaves you can’t get; it’s a limited edition, and has for all intents and purposes been replaced by Krampert’s Frostbite.
The 80 Below shares it’s basic properties with Krampert’s Finest Bay Rum and Krampert’s prototype menthol – all of Krampert’s aftershaves do a great job of moisturizing my face after shaving – they work so well I have caught myself using them even if I haven’t shaved. They also does a good job of sealing and healing any minor nicks I might have inflicted on myself while shaving, something which is happening less frequently these days.
As far as scent and face feel goes, the 80 Below is… very menthol. If you’re not awake by the time you’re done shaving, you will be after putting the 80 Below on… also; if you’re not awake, why are you waving a sharp razor around your face and throat?
It is interesting to note that while menthol works wonders on warm, muggy summer days, it is just as nice for different reasons on a chilly winter morning… best way to describe it is that it makes you feel alive in a way you have to experience to understand.
While getting hold of a bottle of 80 Below is dependant on a fellow shaver giving up his loot these days, you ought to do yourself a favour and get a bottle of Krampert’s Frostbite – like Krampert’s Finest Bay Rum it’s well worth the asking price.